
*NEW* Mailing Address

1400 Patriot Blvd, #301

Glenview, IL 60026-7702


Virtual Appointment Hours

Monday - Thursday

9am - 4pm Central / 7am - 2pm Pacific / 10am - 5pm Eastern

9am - 4pm MST or 8am - 3pm MST (Arizona)


9am - 3pm Central / 7am - 1pm Pacific / 10am - 4pm Eastern

9am - 3pm MST or 8am - 2pm MST (Arizona)

Free Consultation

Yes, I am taking new clients!

Erin is happy to meet with prospective clients from Illinois, Washington, Oregon, Arizona, and South Carolina.

Before we get started, I offer a free, 20 minute consultation with you and your partner(s) or family member(s) to discuss your goals, answer any questions you may have, and identify any logistical, financial, or risk-related concerns you may have.

Please click here to review my fees page before scheduling, especially if you have questions about insurance.

Other Questions and Inquiries

Anonymous Feedback

There are times where we’d like to submit feedback to our therapist but don’t feel comfortable doing so, for one reason or another. This form is an alternative to the above form for those who wish to remain anonymous.

Erin will take the submitted feedback or concern and reflect privately, consult with a colleague, pursue training, or otherwise find a way to integrate this feedback into her future work with clients.